Find Your Qibla Direction Easily

Find Qibla Direction

You can find your Qibla direction with Maps. Learn the angle of Qibla compass for your location.

All World Countries

Find the Qibla direction of all world countries. It contains data of 222 countries.

All World Cities

Find out here Qibla direction of all cities in the world. Approximately 82.150 cities..

Correct Result

The correct qibla direction results:
Qibla direction on the map & Qibla Angle.


You can find your Qibla Direction by two ways. If you want to find your Qibla direction via compass, use the Qibla angle (Qibla direction for compass) below. Or you can determine your Qibla direction by using the Google Maps platform with the Qibla line offered for you..

Qibla Angle:0.00°
Qibla Angle for Compass: 356.84
Kaaba Distance:invalid
Magnetic Deflection:-356.84°


Leaflet | © Google Maps

How Does Qibla Finder Work?

Find the location of which you want to find the Qibla direction line by means of moving on the map. Use the button ‘+’ to zoom in the location and ‘-‘ for a bird’s-eye view. In order to clarify your location, use the menu on the top right hand corner of the map. In order to get the satellite image of your location, use the ‘Sat’ option. You can use the ‘OSM’ option for different maps.
If you want to find the Qibla Direction of the your city via compass, use the Qibla angle offered for you above. Find the Qibla Angle by advancing clockwise while the compass needle shows North (N). Now you can perform your prayer in the direction the Qibla angle shows.
In order to find your Qibla direction more practically, turn on the Location Services on your mobile phone. Click on the ‘FIND MY LOCATION’ button. Wait for the location icon to find your location. In this way, you will find out your Qibla direction line and the Qibla angle needed for your compass quickly.